Perhaps instead of telling you random things about me, like how I am addicted to running because of the endorphin high that always follows, or how I am frightened and intrigued by great white sharks, or how I grew up riding horses and still love the way they smell, perhaps instead of all of that, I should tell you what I feel is most important about me: I am the wife of a kind, smart, loving man and the mamma of a sweet, hilarious, little girl and a handsome, happy little boy. My roles as a wife and mother will always come first, and I love to capture my favorite moments with my family through photography.

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. 

When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”

-Ansel Adams

This quote touches me in many ways: I earned an English degree, and am therefore a lover of words, but sometimes words don’t do a story justice the way a photograph can. That is what I love about art of all forms—be it photography, dance, music, drawing, what have you— regardless of the medium, art has the ability to show others what is deep in our souls and inspire us to reach for more, with the hope of leaving the world a little better than we found it.


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