My Kids

I happen to think that my children are beautiful, but I may be biased. I am so excited about the new photo editing software I recently got. I’ve had so much fun learning how it works. Here are a few images of my kiddos that I edited with my fancy new program:

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Little Man

It has been months since I last posted. But I have a good excuse: this little guy.

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I was beyond excited to take some newborn photos of my sweet son. I couldn’t get all the shots I wanted because the poor little man had jaundice and horrible acid reflux, making it difficult to keep him asleep long enough to take some pictures (he only slept in 20 to 30 minute stretches for the first few weeks; life was rough!).

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Thank heavens we quickly figured out what was wrong and got him on some good medication.

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I love these pictures because they capture the things I loved about his first few days of life: his sweet, unsolicited smile; the way his hair automatically styled itself into a faux hawk; and the hair on his back and shoulders that has since gone away.

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I love him so much and will be taking many more pictures of his handsome little face!

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